South African Policeman 30 Years jail term For Killing Nigerian

Justice was served as South African police constable, Austin Reynold, was sentenced to 30 years in jail by a court for killing a Nigerian man living in that country.

Reynold, 24, was accused of killing Ebuka Okoli in Durban, a coastal city in Kwa Zulu-Natal province in South Africa.

The court sentenced the policeman on Monday, three days after he was found guilty of shooting the victim at close range and robbing him during an unauthorised raid on a community where Okoli resided.

He was charged with one count of murder and three counts of robbery.

Constable Reynold got 15 years on each count of robbery which will mostly run concurrently and 25 years for the count of murder.

This verdict raises hope after xenophobic killings sometime in Septemeber had elicited outcry from leaders and citizens around the world



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