Oil Coast! Two new oil fields discovered in Ghana

Reports reaching us at Checkout Magazine has it that two new oil fields have been discovered in Ghana, both surpassing Jubilee Field, the nation’s biggest.

Financial Times reports that the discoveries were made by the Springfield Group, a Ghanaian company with no history of exploration.

The company is expected to announce the latest discovery in the next coming days.

Speaking on this, Springfield’s chief executive told FT, “We are the first African company to drill in deep water and to find oil,”
“Nigeria has had oil for a long time and no indigenous company there has ever done this.”

The Government of Ghana has 18 percent stake in the block, Mr Okyere said, revealing that president Nana Akufo-Addo will join a ceremony to announce the find.

Springfield acquired West Cape Three Points Block 2 in 2016 after Kosmos relinquished it.



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