Devoted football fans risk heart attack – Research

A report reaching us has Checkout Magazine has it that devoted football fans stand a risk of heart attacks for the level of stress they place themselves during football match.

This statement is attributed to the result of a research conducted by Oxford study on the saliva from Brazilian fans during their historic loss to Germany at the 2014 World Cup.

It found levels of the hormone cortisol rocketed during the 7-1 home defeat in the semi-final.

This can be dangerous, increasing blood pressure and strain on the heart.

BBC reported that researchers found no difference in stress levels between men and women during the game, despite preconceptions men are more “bonded to their football teams”.

“Fans who are strongly fused with their team – that is, have a strong sense of being ‘one’ with their team – experience the greatest physiological stress response when watching a match,” said Dr Martha Newson, researcher at the Centre for the Study of Social Cohesion, at Oxford.

“Fans who are more casual supporters also experience stress but not so extremely.”

Raised cortisol can also give people a feeling of impending doom, that their life is in danger or they are under attack.

Previous research has shown an increase in heart attacks among fans on important match days, whether supporting club or country.



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