Chinese Doctor saves elderly passenger’s life, after sucking contents from his blocked bladder

Photos of a Chinese Doctor sucking urine from an elderly passenger on air after he called for medical assistance because he couldn’t urinate on a flight from China to New York.

Checkout Magazine gathered that the 70-year-old passenger was on a China Southern Airlines plane on November 19 when he asked for immediate assistance and told cabin crew he was unable to urinate.

Flight attendants asked if there were any doctors on board. Luckily two vascular surgeons, Dr Zhang Hong and Dr Xiao Zhangxiang, were.

A makeshift catheter to extract the urine didn’t work and the doctors determined the man’s bladder was close to rupturing.

So Dr Zhang used a plastic tube and spent nearly 40 minutes sucking almost a liter of liquid waste from the man’s bladder with his mouth.

‘Saving people is the fundamental duty of a doctor,’ he said after the incident.

The man spent the rest of the flight lying in the back row and was examined by a doctor upon arriving in New York



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