‘ASUU should not flout court order’ – Group

A leading Islamic organization, The Muslim Congress (TMC), has warned the leadership of the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) against disobedience to court order.

TMC urged the union to call off its strike as directed by the Appeal Court on Friday.

The Court of Appeal in Abuja ruled that before it could grant the appeal application of ASUU, the union must first obey the decision of the lower court by returning to the classroom.

While the National Industrial Court (NIC) had ruled that ASUU should resume following a suit filed by the Federal Government through the Ministry of Labor and Employment.

At a briefing in Lagos, TMC Secretary-General, Alhaji Hassan Adesina, who represented the Amir (President), Alhaji Abdul Wasi’i Bangbala, blamed ASUU and the Federal Government for the prolonged industrial action.

TMC said there must be alternative funding options for universities, noting absolute dependence on the Federal Government would put the institutions under pressure.



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