Why President declined assent to Electoral Act Bill – Presidency

President Muhammadu Buhari has declined assent to the bill based on political, moral, and constitutional factors.

Buhari in his letter to the National Assembly explained that he rejected the bill, following consultations and advice from relevant ministries, departments, and agencies.

The letter is scheduled to be read to senators and House of Representatives members today at plenary session where the reasons adduced by the President will be debated.

The reasons President Buhari cited range from the cost of conducting direct primaries, security challenges, violation of citizens’ rights, marginalization of political parties, likely litigation, and manipulation of the exercise.

He further surmised that it would be better to allow each political party to determine its mode of choosing standard-bearers for elections.

There is disquiet among stakeholders, including elder statesmen, legislators, former governors, lawyers, and other notable politicians as the pressure on the National Assembly to override the President’s veto also intensified.

Some senators have however confided that the Upper Chamber is not likely to veto the President, following his refusal to assent to the bill.

Also, sources close to the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) said the agency will deploy the 2010 Electoral Act for the 2023 general elections.



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