How Maths can end farmers-herdsmen crisis – OAU don

A Professor of Mathematics at the Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU), Ile-ife, Samuel Segun Okoya has outlined how the government could use mathematics to end farmers-herdsmen crisis plaguing Nigeria.

Okoya stated this while delivering a lead paper entitled: ‘Helping students understand mathematics for a better world’ at the International Day of Mathematics celebration organised by the Department of Physical Sciences, Landmark University, Omu-Aran, Kwara State.

He explained how accurate data and statistics from indigenous activities could be used to track meat consumption, cattle rearing traffic identification and migration.

Okoya said Nigeria must demonstrate commitment to take records of influx of herdsmen to specific states by registering each livestock and assigning them with a programmed wrist band/Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) record navigation while using Geographic Information System (GIS).

“This will help to locate all cattles and their breeders anytime. Weather forecasts will enhance the grazing planning and prevent events of tragic flooding.”

He also called for registration of farmers with their landmass in specific states.



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