5G controversy: Pastor Chris claims he’s concerned about health risks, reneges earlier claim

President of the Believers Loveworld ministry, aka Christ Embassy, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, has reneged his claim that the introduction of 5G networks was responsible for the coronavirus pandemic.

Oyakhilome had alleged that 5G — the fifth generation of wireless communications technologies supporting cellular data networks — was initiated to facilitate a “new world order”.

However, Oyakhilome, in a video shared on social media on Sunday, said he was only opposed to the initiative because of its perceived health risks and the seeming silence of authorised regulators to address its advantages and disadvantages.

He said, “I have to look at my calling as a priority and I’m into the healing ministry. You may be a pastor or a minister and not be into the healing ministry, this may not concern you. I’m a science and technology enthusiast. I love technology.

“Are there health risks? What are the health implications? Those are my concerns and I became even more concerned when I found out that regulators didn’t seem to care much in looking into the details and the cause of the independent scientist and experts, medical doctors.”

Oyakhilome said, though he would love to go on the 5G network within hours if they rolled it out, it was important that all its health risks be understood and the challenges are fixed.

“If there are health risks, they should be fixed. We want to go on extraordinary technology but we must also consider all the health implications. That’s my point,” he added.



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